Friday, September 12, 2008


I love my husband.

This particular blog entry will be a total gush about the most important man in my life.

Before I met him I was a bit of a flirt. A tease. I didn't think anything of it because it didn't mean anything to me. What I didn't realize is what it meant to these men I was teasing and flirting with. They took me seriously. Any time I wore a tight little shirt, they thought it was just for them. Any time my jeans were too tight or I showed off a little stomach, they thought it was for them. The smiles, gestures, winks, teasing...all for them.

To me, it didn't matter a hill of beans. I could care less that I left these guys thinking that I would do what they wanted, and it puzzled me if they got mad when the teasing didn't lead anywhere substantive.

Any boyfriend I had at the time was out of luck if he wanted me to stop flirting. It was part of my personality, part of my "thing", what I did for fun. Jealousy? Pish posh! The guy just had to get over it because I wasn't changing for anyone!!!!!

And then along came P, my darling, the man who saved me from whatever wolves were waiting for me at the end of the road I was traveling. He used a firm but gentle hand to show me that I was "doing it wrong". He used sweetness and kindness and logic to show me that the path I had been on was not a good one. He made me see that the man in my life is the only man I should flirt with. And he did it all without an ounce of jealousy toward any of my male friends! He is truely one in a million! Most men would have responded with bitterness and driven me away. He responded with kindness and love and drew me closer to him. He was not afraid to make sure I knew he did not approve, and he made me WANT to make him happy.

This is one of the many ways I knew it was love.

He loves me without question, without preconceived ideas of who I should be. He makes me want to be a better person.

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