Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Custody Sucks

Well, I'm dealing with an ongoing problem. AMS won't budge an inch when we want to get some extra time with the kids, but Catfish gives in to her every time she wants to take a weekend. For example, this last weekend was a three day weekend that fell on our time. We pretty much have standing plans to get the kids and bring them back here on every three day weekend so that we can have time with them at home instead of at Emaw's house. The last three day weekend that fell to us she took off with the kids without calling or checking in. We filed charges. I don't think she knows that yet. On this particular weekend she said that her Granny is on death's door and the kids need to see her before she passes on. I would believe her except that the last time that Granny was on death's door she didn't bother going to see her. Of course, that was on her weekend.

So this last weekend she calls begging for time to go see Granny since she won't be alive much longer.

Catfish gave in and gave her last weekend and the upcoming weekend as long as she would trade for second and fourth this month.

We'll see if that actually happens.

I'm getting so tired of having to play this game of forcing Catfish to see his kids. I'm to the point of just telling him to sign over custody so we don't have to pay for kids we never see. I know he loves them dearly, but it seems like he's too lazy to have a meaningful relationship with them.

I just need to make sure that Princess and I are taken care of.

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